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Is it inconceivable to start playing rugby in my 40s?
Posted by Lachlan Garrison

Rugby is an incredibly physical sport, and many may think that it’s not possible to start playing in your 40s. But you’d be surprised to learn that rugby is actually a great sport for older adults to get involved in. Here are just some of the many benefits of starting rugby in your 40s:

You’ll Stay Fit and Healthy: Rugby is a great way to keep your body fit and healthy. Playing rugby is an intense physical activity that will help to maintain muscle tone, increase cardiovascular endurance, and improve overall fitness. It’s also a great way to reduce stress and increase endorphin levels.

You’ll Make New Friends: Rugby is a team sport, and joining a team in your 40s will give you the chance to make new friends and socialize with other people who share your same interests. You’ll also benefit from the camaraderie and support of your teammates.

You’ll Develop New Skills: Rugby is a highly technical sport that requires a lot of skill and strategy. Playing in your 40s will give you the opportunity to learn new skills and develop your rugby IQ. You’ll also get to experience the thrill and excitement of competing in a full-contact sport.

You’ll Have Fun: At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have fun. Playing rugby in your 40s will give you the chance to have fun and enjoy the game. It’s a great way to stay active and engage in a sport you love.

So, don’t let your age stop you from playing rugby. It’s never too late to start and the benefits are numerous. Get out there, start playing, and have fun!

If you’re over 40 and interested in playing rugby, you may be wondering if it’s possible to start the sport at such a late age. The answer is yes, it is possible. However, you may face some unique challenges that younger people don’t have to worry about. Here are a few tips for overcoming the challenges of starting rugby in your 40s.

1. Understand the physical demands of rugby

Rugby is a physically demanding sport. It requires strength, speed, agility, and endurance. If you’re starting rugby in your 40s, you may be at a physical disadvantage compared to younger players. It’s important to understand the physical demands of the sport and be realistic about your own abilities.

2. Talk to your doctor

Before starting any new sport, it’s important to get a physical check-up from your doctor. This is especially true if you’re over 40. You may have medical conditions or injuries that could be exacerbated by playing rugby. Talking to your doctor can help you understand any risks you may face and help you prepare for them.

3. Find the right team

Finding the right team is important for any rugby player, but it’s especially important for players over 40. It can be intimidating to join a team full of younger players. Look for a team that is welcoming of older players. You may also want to look for a team with a coach who is experienced in training older athletes.

4. Take it slow

When starting any sport, it’s important to take it slow and not overdo it. This is especially true if you’re over 40. Start with light training and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable with the sport. This will help you avoid injuries and build a strong foundation for your rugby career.

5. Have fun

Rugby is a great way to stay in shape and have fun. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not as fast or strong as you used to be. Enjoy the game and have fun with your teammates. This will help you stay motivated and make the most of your rugby experience.

Rugby can be a great way to stay active and have fun, no matter your age. With a few strategies and some dedication, it is possible to start playing rugby in your 40s and have a great time. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you’re looking to start playing rugby in your 40s.

Start Slowly

The most important thing when starting out is to take it slow. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with light stretching and warm-ups to get your body warmed up and used to the movements of rugby. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts and drills. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.

Be Prepared

Be sure to bring all the necessary equipment to practice and games. Make sure you have a rugby ball, cleats, and any protective gear you may need. It’s also important to wear appropriate clothing for the weather. Dress in layers so you can adjust if necessary. And make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Focus on Technique

Rugby is a fast-paced sport and requires a lot of technique. Focus on perfecting the basics. Work on your tackling, passing, and running. As you become more comfortable with the basics, you can incorporate more advanced strategies.

Find a Good Coach

Having a good coach is key to success in rugby. A good coach will be able to teach you the basics and help you refine your technique. They will also be able to provide you with personalized advice and feedback on how to improve your game.

Have Fun

Above all else, remember to have fun. It can be intimidating to start playing a new sport at an older age, but don’t let that stop you. Enjoy the camaraderie of playing with a team and the challenge of learning a new sport.

Rugby is an incredibly popular sport all around the world, and it’s never too late to take it up! With the right guidance and a lot of determination, you can start playing rugby in your 40s, despite the potential physical challenges. Here are a few tips to help you find the right rugby team for your 40s:

  • Do your research. Look for local teams in your area, and read up on the different rules and regulations of the sport. This will help you decide which type of team is best suited to your skill level.
  • Talk to the coaches. Ask questions about the team, the players and the coaching style. This will give you an idea of whether the team is the right fit for you.
  • Train wisely. Make sure to warm up and stretch thoroughly before each practice and game. This will help you avoid injuries, which can be especially dangerous for players in their 40s.
  • Listen to your body. As you age, your body may require more rest and recovery time. Don’t be afraid to take a break if you’re feeling tired or sore.
  • Be patient. Don’t expect to be able to do the same things as younger players. It will take time to get used to the game and to develop your skills.

Remember, it’s never too late to start playing rugby! With the right team and the right attitude, you can make the most of your 40s and enjoy the game as much as any other player. Good luck!